About Us


Discover the essence of Oman through our handpicked collection of locally crafted products. Easily find unique Omani treasures on our user friendly website. By choosing these items, you not only experience the authenticity of Omani craftsmanship but also support local artisans, contributing to their livelihoods and community development. Shop with ease, knowing that your purchase makes a meaningful impact. Embrace tradition and innovation, one click at a time, as you explore the stories behind each Omani creation. Our website focuses on Omanies products( from companies or individuals). And It will help Omanies consumers to find their own country products easily and support the finance of the country.

Our aims

  1. Supporting the national product by introducing people to local products as an alternative to imported products.
  2. Supporting productive families and increasing their income by increasing sales of their products.
  3. Supporting the national economy by circulating money within the country.
  4. Increasing local production by increasing the purchasing power of the national product.
  5. It provided opportunities for those with new ideas and products to introduce their products to the market and introduce them to people.

Our team

Rabiaa AlRubaiai

Student at Sultan Qaboos University from the 2020 cohort. My academic specialty is computer science.

Email: s134000@student.squ.edu.om

Mohammed Al Ghadani

Student at Sultan Qaboos University from the 2020 cohort. My academic specialty is computer science.

Email: s134412@student.squ.edu.om

Tariq Al Riyami

Student at Sultan Qaboos University from the 2021 cohort. My academic specialty is computer science.

Email: s137675@student.squ.edu.om